IDEALIFE - Desktop Air Purifier - Mesin Pembersih Udara (IL-131)

  • Rp 1.200.000 Rp 1.380.000
  • Availability: In Stock

DEALIFE - Desktop Air Purifier - Mesin Pembersih Udara (IL-131)

Specifications :

  • Touch Screen Operation panel
  • Dimension: 21.3 x 28.0 cm 
  • 3 Fan Speed
  • Low Noise (55dB max)
  • UVC Lamp (medical grade to kill airborne viruses)
  • Filter Replacement Control
  • HEPA Filter removes 99.97% dust pollen, mold, bacteria and particles (see benefit info below)
  • Additional 3 Stages Carbon Filtration
  • Ionizer
  • Auto Power OFF when panel is open
  • Aromatheraphy Function
  • 360 Degress Filtration 
  • 1.6m Cable Cord
  • Effective Area: 26m2
  • Wattage : 25Watt
  • Pcs per Carton : 4Pcs
  • Barcode No : 9852.2023.1100
  • Outer Carton Dimension : 58.1 x 55.5 x 35.5Cm
  • Gift Box Dimension :  27.8 x 26.5 x 33Cm
  • Kg per Carton : 13.8Kg
  • Gram per Pcs : 2.4Kg
  • NO. HS LABEL :  8421.391.000


Nomor Tanda Pendaftaran Petunjuk & Kartu Jaminan: IN PROGRESS

Uji Lab Test: IN PROGRESS Test Report

How Much Can HEPA Filters Help?

Using a HEPA filter in your home can remove most airborne particles that might make allergies worse. But the particles suspended in air are not the only ones in your home. There are far more in your rugs, bedding, and drapes, and resting on countertops and tabletops. So it's important to keep these areas clean. It's also important, when possible, to get rid of the source of allergens and irritants. For example, the only effective way to keep tobacco smoke out of your home is to not smoke.

These filters can be part of a plan to remove irritating particles from your home. Other parts of that strategy should be to:

  • Vacuum frequently.
  • Replace carpets with wood, tile, or vinyl flooring.
  • Keep pets outdoors if you are allergic to pet dander or at least away from your sleeping area.
  • Change bedding frequently and wash sheets in hot water.
  • Replace draperies and curtains with roll up shades.
  • Use plastic covers over mattresses and pillows.
  • Use high-efficiency furnace filters.

Reduces the Chances of Airborne Diseases

Airborne diseases such as the common cold and flu are spread through tiny pathogens floating around. When one family member catches the flu, it’s not uncommon for the rest of the family to get sick as well. This happens because everyone is breathing the same air that’s infected with bacteria and viruses.

Air purifiers with HEPA filters capture these bacteria and viruses. When you remove the cause of airborne diseases, you safeguard yourself and your family from them. If you live with elderly people, children, or anyone with a weakened immune system, air purifiers are a must.

What is Ultraviolet C?
The entire UV spectrum can kill or inactivate many microorganism species, preventing them from replicating. UVC energy at 253.7 nanometers provides the most germicidal effect. The application of UVC energy to inactivate microorganisms is also known as Germicidal Irradiation or UVGI.

UVC exposure inactivates microbial organisms such as bacteria and virusesby altering the structure and the molecular bonds of their DNA(Deoxyribonucleic acid). DNA is a “blue print” these organisms use to develop, function and reproduce. By destroying the organism’s ability to reproduce, it becomes harmless since it cannot colonize. After UVC exposure, the organism dies off leaving no offspring, and the population of the microorganism diminishes rapidly.

Ultraviolet germicidal lamps provide a much more powerful and concentrated effect of ultraviolet energy than can be found naturally. Germicidal UV provides a highly effective method of destroying microorganisms

8 Benefits of Air Purifier (click to read)




  • Mesin pembersih udara
  • Pembersih udara
  • Air purifier
  • Mesin pembersih udara
  • Peralatan rumah
  • Membersihkan udara
  • Membunuh bakteri di udara

