IDEALIFE - Professional Hand Mixer - Mixer Tangan - Multi Speed (IL-221B)
- Rp 460.000 Rp 580.000
- Availability: In Stock
IDEALIFE - Professional Hand Mixer - Mixer Tangan - Multi Speed (IL-221B)
Specifications :
- Quite mode: AC Motor
- Powerful 5530CCA Motor
- Overheat Protection
- 5 Speed + Turbo Function
- Eject BUtton
- 2 Chrome Beaters & Dough Hooks
- Stainless Steel Housing
- Bonus : Mixer Stand
- Wattage : 300Watt
- Pcs per Carton : 12Pcs
- Barcode No : 985221070717
- Outer Carton Dimension : 48.3 x 38 x 47.5 cm
- Gift Box Dimension : 23.5 x 12 x 22.5cm
- Kg per Carton : 17.2kg
- Gram per Pcs : 1.4kg
- NO. HS LABEL : 8509.409.000
- 2 macam pengaduk
Beater : untuk mengaduk mentega atau adonan kue, kue kering dll
Dough : untuk mengaduk sekaligus menguleni adonan seperti yeast dought, roti, donat, bakpao dll
Beater: for normal to heavy mixtures such as cakes, biscuits, pastry, icing and mashed potato
Dough Hook: for kneading all dough mixes and heavier pastry
*Max 5-15menit, lalu biarkan mesin istirahat 5 menit sebelum pemakaian selanjutnya
MKG : IMKG.2380.09.2022
UJI LAB (QUALIS) : QI-21/11/0785
K3L : 22-L-000375
NPB : 1-104-027-230076-5